Bernd Frank arranged this classic tune of the Basie Bigband for eight saxophones in a soft and fully sounding setting. It was orginally arranged for two soprano, alto, tenor and bari saxophones each. With the additional voices, this arrangement can now be played flexibly with other saxophone instrumentations.
In performing the work a slow and steady tempo is quite necessary; particularly the long notes should not at all be wobbly. Attention should also be paid to completing the final notes of the phrases together.
At the beginning of the main theme where all have a rest (.i.e. beat 1 in measure 5 and the like) one ensemble member could click with his/her heel quietly (as the beginning gun) like the guitar plays an arpeggio in the original. The solo fills in sax 2 imitate the piano in the original version. These should be played with a lightness and on the repeat and at the dal segno it should be varied, yet the note goal should be the same.
This piece is a great quiet moment for relaxation and should be played so that audience immediately starts to dream...
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