

Alle Jahre wieder Maximize

Alle Jahre wieder

Saxophone quintet s/a-a-a/t-t-b

arr. by Bernd Frank 



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14,95 €

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The German Christmas song  “Alle Jahre wieder" (Every Year Again) is arranged here by Bernd Frank in swinging jazz. It begins straight off with the theme in a light variation and in swinging phrases. It can first be found in a five-part block style instrumentation which is typical of the swing era. Following the key change the baritone saxophone takes on the accompaniment with a contrabass like walking line. The tempo in part ! and B is in a typical swing tempo with 126 beats per minute. In part C the tempo suddenly goes into double time and the arrangement changes for the next section into a modern jazz composition. In 4 and E the theme returns but in a very unfamiliar and drawn out way before returning to swing style in section F.

All eighth notes should be played as triplets in the swing sections. In the double time section the eighths should be played as straight eighths. It is particularly important that the rhythmic overview is kept when playing the long notes. On the whole, the piece should be presented in big band style.

Both performers and the audience will enjoy this special arrangement and get to know this classic German Christmas song in a new way.

Included in delivery:

  • transposed score
  • Part 1
    • Soprano
    • Alto
  • Part 2: Alto
  • Part 3
    • Alto 
    • Tenor 
  • Part 4: Tenor
  • Part 5: Baritone 
  • Besetzung aattb
  • Schwierigkeitsgrad 3